How can I help?

Whatever food related concern you have, I can work with you to make step by step changes to get you and your family eating better. With recipes, information, quick tips and understanding the various ages and stages you have in your household. Get in touch!

If you are a business or nutritionist that works to help people have a better lifestyle, follow this link to see how I can help you to achieve your aim.

Nutrition Advice

Either in person or online – free discovery call.

If your would like you and your family to eat better in a way that fits with your ‘Food Story’ then get in touch.

This could be to combat health concerns, deal with different needs within your family like allergies, weight concerns or an interest in improving gut health. No fads, no radical changes – step by step to better eating, with meal planning ideas, recipes and goal setting.

Email me:

Babies & Children

In person or online and small workshops

Are the little people in your life making mealtimes difficult? Are you worried that they are not eating enough or too narrow a range of foods? Are you navigating the transition from milk to family foods and confused by all the information available?

Understanding what is going on developmentally for babies and young children really helps. With work sheets, activities, ideas for meal planning, ideas and suggestions – we work together to slowly develop happy, intuitive eaters.

Email me:

Caring for Someone?

Help with feeding loved ones with different needs

Do you have an older relative or special person that you care for? Someone with a long term health condition or just out of hospital? Poor appetite or issues that affect their ability to cook or eat?

Eating well can look quite different for them and so important for them to stay well or recover. Simple things can help someone continue getting enough of what they need. I can help you, help them eat better.

(This is for situations where dietetic input has not been prescribed)

Email me:

Cooking Classes

Small groups at your place or a kitchen close by (subject to availability)

Cooking classes are a great way to socialise, give us inspiration to get out of the cooking rut we might be stuck in and also to learn about food culture, nutrition and skills like menu planning.

A different evening or lunch with friends, with a theme of interest – maybe gut health, eating more plant foods, post exercise food, intuitive eating etc

I can work with young people too. Preparing for Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, teaching teenagers to cook or to be able to feed themselves at university….

Email me:

Got a question?