Christmas is about kind words….

….and I would like to share some kind words that I have read about our Eating Well on a Budget.

I love your book. No – I really love it! Wonderfully myth-busting ……. so easy to read and with interesting subject matter encapsulated by each heading and wrapping up with some great recipes that even I could try. 

From an email sent to Laura

Laura and I have worked hard on the booklets and courses that we have written and we believe in what we write. We can only hope that people like what they read and that the information is really useful. It is so lovely when people take the time to share thoughts like this,

Being a freelancer can be a lonely business, which is why collaborating with Laura has been so positive. It is also why when a few kind words from a reader or a customer reach you it gives you motivation. The words we have written have not fallen into a void, they have been appreciated by someone. Maybe even making a real positive difference to someone.

If you have bought a service or a product from a small business then maybe your Christmas present to them is to leave them a review, send them a testimonial, recommend them to a friend. These last few years have been especially tough for the little guys.

If you know someone who has had to reign in the budget then maybe make a gift of our booklet and send it straight to their inbox. They may find it as inspiring as this one reader.

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